Governor Perdue Appointed to Homeland Security Advisory Council
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 |
Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774
ATLANTA- Today Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff announced the appointment of Governor Sonny Perdue to the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC). The HSAC is a committee comprised of experts from state and local governments, first preventer and responder communities, academia, and the private sector that provides advice and recommendations to Secretary Chertoff on homeland security issues.
“I am honored to be chosen to serve on the Homeland Security Advisory Council to contribute counsel on homeland security issues from the perspective from one of the country’s fastest-growing states,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “Keeping our nation safe is America’s greatest and most important challenge.”
“I value the independent and innovative advice I receive from these trusted counselors,” said Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff. “These appointments will increase the knowledge and experience of our membership and provide me with critical and diverse perspective as we work together to keep America safe.”
The Homeland Security Advisory Council was established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002. Governor Perdue was named among two others appointed to the HSAC and ten others appointed to subcommittees of the HSAC. The HSAC and its subcommittees’ offices are based in Washington, D.C. and they meet periodically throughout the year.